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Friday, July 12, 2013

Enjoying Yourself: Health versus Happiness

In my line of work, I am constantly listening to others talk about their eating habits. I hear people talk about how they have cut everything enjoyable out of their diet completely and others who binge eat with little self control. The only thing I can think of when I am hearing these stories, is why????

The way I see food is that it is fuel; and just like you wouldn't put sludge in your gas tank, you shouldn't put crap in your body. Now with that said, there are those foods out there that make me happy in a way that nothing else can, trigger foods (mostly ice cream). Because I know these foods will basically bring me to my knees, I try to avoid them as much as possible or at least substitute them (ie. frozen yogurt or frozen protein shakes).  

When I do allow myself the real thing, the last thing I'm going to do is worry about how bad it is for me. Some people say that forgoing that cup of full fat, creamy, cake batter ice cream from Handel's , is showing that I have full control of my actions and would commend me for such a feat. However, do I really want to be laying on my death bed wishing I had gone with my favorite ice cream instead of celery sticks?

Always skipping what you want to eat does not put you in control of your eating habits, it puts FEAR in control. When fear is controlling your life, it makes your foundation weaker, allowing for cracks (impulse eating) to take over. Being able to identify your triggers is major. Being able to allow yourself a small portion of your trigger once in a blue moon mean you have mastered the art of balancing health with happiness.

***If you have any specific questions, email me and if I don't have the answer (rare lol) I will find someone to give it to me :)

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