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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2 Week Fat Flush

I hope everyone has made through their hump day well. I have had a few people ask about fat flushes/ detox drinks they could use. While I am not an advocate for flushes like the Lemonade Diet because they do not allow for adequate nutrition, I do believe that every so often it is important for us to jump start our metabolism and clean out of liver so that it will continue to function properly.

The liver plays a primary in removing toxins from the blood as well as fat digestion. A properly functioning liver remove chemicals from the blood, helps to improve medication function, and controls the amount of bile necessary for fat digestion.

A great flush that I have seen recently uses grapefruit as its primary detox agent. Grapefruit helps to make our blood less acidic, increases the liver's functionality, and its fiber helps to remove cholesterol. In order to effectively use this flush, you must drink 1/2 gallon of it daily for 2 weeks. Also, removing things like caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugar for the 2 weeks will make sure that you are not dirtying what your are cleaning.  If you are taking prescriptions please make sure the warning labels say nothing about avoiding grapefruit as it may interact negatively with certain medications 

I will be starting this 2 week fat flush on Sunday (in case you want to start with me) just because it will be easier for me. If you start before, let me know how it is going.

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