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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hey Everyone!

So for the past couple of weeks, I have neglected you again, sorry. I have had family birthdays, beginning the semester, and best of all JURY DUTY :( I do, however, have some updates for you!

30 day squat challenge: Today is day 22 of the challenge, and so far I am pretty pleased with the results. My butt is definitely rounder and sits higher, which have made all of my clothes look 10x better on me than before. The only regrets I have about the challenge is that I did not start it earlier in the summer and this stinky Baltimore whether has not allowed for a lot of bathing suit time.
***If you fell off the program, start it back up from where you left off, I know you can do it!!
Fat Flush: I loved this drink and wish I could drink it forever!! I did notice that it made me pee, a lot, but that was to be expected. There were some side effects tat I was not expected though. Apparently, as the toxins are be released, your cells go through withdraw from them. My withdraw symptoms included a weird taste in my mouth, itching, and migraines; they all lasted for about 1.5-2 days. After I finished my flush, my weight stabilized around 136.6 lbs and I feel like I have more energy and sleep  better. Overall, I am happy with the results of the flush. 
***Warning, easy on the mint, it can make the taste overpowering. 2 leaves should be enough.

Here is what my jug looked like. It wasn't a full gallon so I filled it up twice a day

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