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Friday, August 30, 2013

To buy organic or not buy organic.... that is the question

Everyone knows that organic is the healthiest way to go (unless you have been living under a rock), and everyone knows that organic is the most expensive way to go.

Some ways to keep your groceries under budget is to know what to and what not to buy organic. All meats should be bought organic to make sure your body does not accumulate harmful steroids, pesticides or antibiotics. Your fruits and veggies, however, are more flexible.

If you can buy organic everything, do so. However, in this economy, everyone's budget is a little strained at this point. Lists called the "Dirty Dozen" and the "Clean 15" have been created to show you which produce are most important to buy "clean" and which are least affected buy conventional farming. I have loaded the lists for your convenience. Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My eating schedule

Some people have been asking me about how I eat. Before I tell you, I want you to know that it is extremly important to remember that everyone has a different metabolism and therefore need to eat at different time intervals. I have found that most people need 2-3 hours between meals. If you need longer, try to make yourself eat more often, but not to the point of making yourself sick, to speed up your metabolism. Going 4+ hours between meals can actually slow your metabolism down.

For me, I need to eat every 2 hours, any longer and I will turn into a she devil (this made Jury Duty extra fun this month). I do try to keep carbs to the earlier part of the day but I never exclude a food group. I love healthy fats, so you will never see me eating "Fat-Free" anything.

Here are example meal plans for my rest days and work out days

If you have any meal, product, or recipes to share, submit them here.